Car Battery - Al Barakah Auto Spare Parts LLC

Car Battery In Sharjah, Dubai, UAE

Al Barakah Auto Spare Parts is known to provide genuine car batteries.

Time to Change Battery?

Getting a weekly inspection for your car in UAE is important for maintaining a high performing vehicle. Following are the important indicators which will show if you battery performance is low.

  • Your car lights start to dim
  • The vehicle often hitches when starting
  • A clicking
    sound when you turn on the ignition
  • The engine cranks slowly
  • The connectors start to corrode
  • Your gas pedal needs more pressing tostart
  • Intermittent sparking in the engine

Battery Tips

There are some key pointers that can help you keep your battery healthy and fit to its optimum performance.

  • GET IT CHANGEDGetting the battery replaced every 4 years is recommended to ensure optimum performance

  • ACID LEVELAlways check the acid levels every six months to make sure the battery is being evenly charged

  • PREVENT SHORT RIDESMaking too many short rides accompanied with power draining accessories prevents the battery from being fully charged

  • BATTERY POSITIONINGA good positioned battery prevents loss of charges, reduces corrosion on terminals, keeps the unit secure, and ensures a seamless electric supply.

  • NEVER OVERCHARGECharging the battery manually is alright, but make sure you don’t overcharge or you might damage it.

  • REFILLING WATERUse a funnel to control the flow when pouring distilled water. Always be careful when doing this and only fill the cells to cover the plates.

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